Ever run across a quote that just speaks plain truth?

“If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone.” (~John Maxwell)

Agreed, agreed, and agreed.

Thank you Mr. Maxwell.

He doesn’t say it, but we all know that growing is essential.

When we stop growing, we stop living.

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” (~Henry Ford)

Happy people never stop growing and learning and becoming.

A life without growing, changing, learning, becoming better at being who we are? A life without discovering new passions and joys and experiences?

Well, I cannot imagine it.

Well, okay, maybe I can imagine it.

Yeah, and maybe I’ve also sort of lived it at times when the to-do’s pile up high and I forget that there’s more to life than matching socks and swiping counters. Easy to forget that the dust bunnies aren’t going anywhere but time is.

Days can pass into years while you’re keeping up with routines so you can keep up with life.

You can think that you’re doing this life-thing pretty well because all the T’s are crossed and all the i’s are mostly dotted. You can sort of forget that growing and learning and changing and improving is even a goal to begin with. Life can be hard to do.

Forgetting gets easy.

Routine can really take over a place, a home, a life. Spread itself out quicker than warm jam, sticking on walls and floors and it can be hard to even remember that growing is a thing you might be able to do when you’re busy dotting all those i’s and crossing all those T’s.

Or maybe it can be hard to remember because, yeah, we’re kinda comfortable in our comfort zones.

But maybe that’s the whole point?

Maybe being uncomfortable is what we’re sort of supposed to be.

How can a life evolve, a person grow, the world be changed – if we’re never stepping foot outside the crib of our comfort zone?

How can you be made new if you never go someplace new to do new things?

Discomfort can be the catalyst for discovery, the discovery of who we can be, what we can do, where we can go.

Discomfort might even be the path to a new sort of life.

Out of your comfort zone might be the way into your best life.


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