Januarys are, generally speaking, filled with goals and resolutions and plans and that’s wonderful, really.

Goals are amazing. They can be life-changing in the best possible way.

They can also be so daunting. Especially if you’re dreaming big.

And I hope you’re dreaming big, because you are capable of so much more than you think.

Yes, big dreams challenge you. But the challenge is such a fantastic opportunity.

You need a plan. Of course you need a plan. Dreams require planning, if they’re ever to come true.

But here’s the secret – that plan needs plenty of uncertainty in it. Space to learn and grow and become.

And that can be oh so very uncomfortable.

But you and I and anyone who’s ever dared to dream about doing something big or becoming something new will only ever get there by walking right up to and right through those unknowns. At least for big dreams.

Big dreams demand more from us, they demand the best from us. The push us past our comfort zone into what we can become.

And moving past your comfort zone is never comfortable.

But it’s the only way to discover how truly amazing you can be.

How truly amazing you are.

Whatever it is that you don’t know, whatever next step you’re not sure of or skill you haven’t yet acquired, know that you really can learn it.

It might take a bit of time.

But why not take the time?

Your one amazing life is waiting for you, just outside of your comfort zone.

Where the magic happens.



“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” (~Martin Luther King, Jr.)

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