There’s a foot of snow in my yard.


Maybe even more than a foot in some places.

Snowbanks are lining the streets and making it hard, yet again, for mail carriers and people who drive cars.

Street corners play host to snowbanks just high enough to block the view and we’re all just inching into intersections as we inch towards spring.

I can’t remember what the Groundhog said about when this will all end. Honestly, I’m not really sure I care what he said. My husband points out that spring is just around the corner. I point out that it may be, but it’s not around this particular corner obviously, because the snow’s blocking my view.

Cold and cold and more cold.

Snow and snow and more snow.

And apparently even more is on its way here this week.

I’m tempted to just hunker down and settle into comfort and forget about braving any wind or driving anywhere anyway. Tea sounds nice. And the icicles are pretty.

Who needs to inch along anywhere anyway?

I inch forward a bit to look for oncoming traffic before I move out into the street and make the turn.

I do turn. I inch forward.

Despite the cold and despite the snow and despite the wind even.

Because this is how life goes, if it goes anywhere.

Inch forward. Make the turn.

Keep moving.

The alternative is to wait until all obstacles are gone and not one single thing’s standing in your way and it’s all easy.

When in the world has that ever happened?

Maybe spring is just around the corner but do I really want to stay cooped up until it finally gets here?

Maybe I could just bravely brave the wind and cold and snow and make the turn anyway.

Move forward even when it’s hard.

Even if I have to inch along.

‘Cause winter will end. Spring always springs. Flowers will bloom.

And I think it’s absolutely fine to inch along.

Progress takes time.

Small steps are the best steps. They’re the ones with the surest footing anyway.

And spring will come, even if it’s taking its time.

Lots of things will come, even if it takes some time and work and patience and inching along.





So here we are. Inching along, bit by bit. Just like Lady Spring.

I’m still approaching corners slowly.

Still looking carefully before I take the turn.

But I do turn.

I’m still moving forward.

And spring really is just around the corner.


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