We can’t choose everything.

I did not choose to be born. Didn’t choose where or when that happened. I didn’t choose my genetic makeup, or the family into which I was born, or the world into which I was born.

Neither did you.

We don’t get to decide the color of our hair, the color of our eyes, our shoe size, height, or the shape of our nose. And though we can choose to change some of these, we can’t change all of them.

You can’t choose everything.

Neither can I.

Even Superman can’t choose to be strong in the presence of Kryptonite.

Yet I still have this amazing superpower: the power to choose.

It’s not the power to choose everything about my circumstances, everything that happens to me, or every event of every moment of my life.

But it is the power to choose how I react to my circumstances. It’s the power to choose how I respond to what happens to me. It’s the power to choose how I will live each moment of my life.

I am both powerless and powerful.

I have no choice, and I have unlimited choice.

I am both completely subject to the events of my life, and completely free to co-create them.

I am invited to participate in the shaping of my life within the framework into which I was born, the world in which I live, and the circumstances in which I find myself. I have this amazing superpower: the power to choose.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” ~Victor Frankl

No one will force you to step into that space. No one will force you to intentionally choose your responses, declare your intentions, dream your dreams or take even the smallest step towards them.

No one and nothing can force you to use your superpower.

But no one can stop you from using it either. Not today, not tomorrow. Not ten or twenty or forty years from now. This superpower never goes away. You are as free to choose at ninety as you are at nineteen.

“Our lives are a sum total of the choices we have made.” ~Wayne Dyer


Forgiveness is a choice. Hope, too, is a choice. Taking a risk, lending a hand, holding a grudge, getting back up, and holding your tongue are all choices we are free to make.

Every choice you make shapes your life a bit.

Hit the snooze button, or hit the gym. Strike back, or back off. Take the chance, or take it easy.

Every choice we make shapes our life.

You have this amazing superpower: the power to choose.

All you have to do, is choose to use it.


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