What have you won at lately?

Please, please, please – don’t tell me “nothing”. Because honestly, it’s just not true.

You may not have had a “big win”. (Those are pretty rare, for sure.) But I’ll just bet you’ve had a small one, or two, or more. And here’s what you need to do – celebrate them!

Even the smallest step taken towards a dream or a goal is, in fact, a step.

A win.

And when you celebrate the small steps, acknowledge the small wins, you will be more likely to stick with it and continue to make the efforts to achieve your goals.

Of course in order to celebrate your wins, you’ll have to first know that you have them.

Sitting down to reflect on, and write down, the steps you’ve taken towards your goal (successes yes, but also failures and the lessons they taught you) can completely change your outlook. In fact, a weekly, or even daily, practice of reviewing your day and noticing the small wins can contribute significantly to keeping you motivated.

Notice how far you’ve come first, before looking at how far you have to go.

It all comes down to: not minimizing ourselves. Something might seem small and insignificant, just one little task, but in reality that small task is a necessary part of the process. Every step gets you closer to your dream.

Every step you take towards your goal deserves to be recognized for what it is – a win.

And every time you take the time to acknowledge a small win, you fan the flame of motivation.

This isn’t about just patting yourself on the back. This is about consciously creating ways to keep your motivation fueled during what is sometimes a long and seemingly unproductive process – the daily tasks that go into working towards a goal.

The process only seems unproductive because the wins are not acknowledged.

So, tell me something?

What have you won at lately?

Go celebrate!




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