Sometimes it’s good to take stock.

Of things that you believe in, or say that you believe in. Of things you value. Of things you treasure. Of things you maybe don’t really need in your life right now. Just re-evaluate so you can re-order whatever might need a little re-ordering.

It’s de-cluttering the soul, is what it is. Heart-feng-shui.

You clear out and clean up and discover things that are really important to you and what you really know.

I’m not sure what you know for sure, but if we could meet for a cup of tea I’d definitely ask you.

I am sure what I know for sure. At least what I know for sure right now. Which might change. Actually, it probably will change and that’s not such a bad thing. You learn, you grow. You improve.

But for now, here’s what I know for sure (in no particular order):

(1) Sleep is important. Not just for performance, but for everything from your mood to your complexion. And in today’s world, life is just too complex not to get enough sleep. So just do it.

(2) Meditation (aka being quiet and listening to God for a really long time without interrupting) is incredibly hard. At first. But do try to stick with it because it’s worth every discomfort you go through.

(3) Everything passes. The good, the bad, and the ugly. And the beauty. Everything. So just don’t get too attached to looks (your own or someone else’s) and try to breathe deep whenever turmoil strikes, remembering that it won’t last forever.

(4) Unplugging from your devices (and abstaining from all screens) once in a while is restorative, big time.

(5) You will never regret getting up early to watch the sunrise. (And if you do, please see #1).

(7) Everyone needs to feel valued, appreciated, and loved. Be the person who gives this gift to someone. Try to do it every day.

(8) Mercy is food for the soul, both when you receive it and when you give it.

(9) Grace is present always. Always. Even if it’s just for a moment, you can find grace in every day. If you don’t think you can, see #2.

(10) People judge way too much. Try not to judge them for it.

(11) Sometimes you just need to bawl your eyes out. If there’s a ready shoulder available to do so on, all the better. Try to surround yourself with ready shoulders. Also, be one.

(12) People who love to exercise are sooooooo lucky. The rest of us simply have to show up and do it anyway.

(13) Food. Well, we could all do a bit better there.

(14) Kids grow up fast. Friends sometimes move. Marriages don’t always last forever and people die. Not to depress you all or anything, but please tell these people how much you love them. (See #6).

(15) “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” (~Annie Dillard) She’s right, you know. Spend wisely.


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