Hey beautiful, can I ask you something?

What story are you writing with your one amazing and glorious life?

And more importantly? Do you love it? Do you wake up each day thrilled to write that day’s chapter, lovin’ what awaits you, psyched to get up and get going?

Just this: are you happy?

If your honest answer to that question is no, well honestly? You’re not alone.

In which case, I’ve got to ask: what are you doing about that?

It’s ridiculously easy to settle in and settle for simply existing. But you deserve more.

I want you to start living, and writing, a life of joy. To choose joy.

So where do you start? You could start with curiosity. An absolutely amazing way to start is with gratitude.

But can I suggest something else, something small and yeah maybe not so much something that we’re used to thinking about?


From you, for you.

I’ll be honest, when I think about extending mercy I normally think in terms of how I can show mercy to others. To those who’ve hurt me, specifically. Which is a good thing to do. We all mess up and we all need forgiveness. Extending grace to someone who’s wronged us instead of what we’d really like to offer (and which we really think that person deserves) makes the world a bit better. Forgiveness really does set you free, and extending mercy is a beautiful gift to give.

So why do we find it hard to give it to ourselves?

Yeah, I asked that. And now I’m gonna answer it, and it may just be me but I find that I can be so much more forgiving of others than of myself. But this is nothing more than pride. Holding ourselves to a standard that isn’t even attainable. Wanting to be perfect, maybe, or maybe just wanting to not be human. And yes, mercy for yourself means understanding that perfectionism is really just pride dressed up all fancy.

I think we get that. I think we all understand mercy for ourselves as being forgiving of our faults and letting go of past mistakes. But mercy for ourselves is so much more than this.

Mercy looks an awful lot like taking an hour to exercise, to honor our bodies with healthy foods, to sleep in on the weekend.

Mercy is sitting with a good book and letting the dishes sit in the sink for a while. Mercy is clearing the calendar for a day and spending the day at the beach. Mercy is giving yourself the gift of kindness.

And no, I’m not talking about ignoring others, or putting yourself above anyone else. Mercy for yourself changes you. Gratitude flows from mercy. Understanding and compassion for others grows. Mercy changes everything.

Mercy is the doorway through which love flows.

And joy soon follows.


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