It’s below freezing most mornings now, when I take my mug of java out to the patio to listen to the birds and feel the air and wake up.

The birdsong is different this time of year, but it’s still there.

There are chickadees, and a few bluebirds. And for sure, one intrepid woodpecker who’s obviously working on something huge, and amazing.

Me? I’m not working on anything amazing, unless it’s just surviving.

Okay, that might be a bit hyperbolic. But I think I’m allowed.

My last chickadee has flown the nest. Up and moved into his own place, which is not my place, and what mother in the world doesn’t feel the sting of that?

Full disclosure: I helped him move.

Because that’s what a momma chickadee does.

So now? My nest is – as they say – empty.

And what’s to fill it?

Or…and this is just a thought…do I need to fill it?

Maybe what I need right now is to just…stretch my own wings a bit.

Maybe what we all need right now, with empty nests and empty seats at the table, is to just stretch our own wings a bit?

Find a bit of something new, something that we’d love to do or love to learn, and just do that.

Find something just a bit amazing, like that amazing, intrepid, woodpecker.


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