“Do not fear mistakes – there are none.” (~Miles Davis)

“I win or I learn, but I never lose.” (~Marie Forleo)

“Mistakes are the portals of discovery.” (~James Joyce)

“Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.” (Oscar Wilde)

I could go on, but I think you probably get the point.

There is, however, a huge difference between understanding the concept (maybe even agreeing with it) and actually stepping out into the arena and taking a chance. Because the truth is that you are going to make mistakes.

Not that you might make one. You’re going to. Probably more than one.

And that’s okay, because you will learn and you will grow and you will discover, at the very least, what not to do next time.

If you’re brave enough to make mistakes.



“Do not fear mistakes – there are none.” (~Miles Davis) “Mistakes are the portals of discovery.” (~James Joyce)

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