Today could be amazing. It could be the best day of the whole year.


Or it could be just awful.

Or, more likely, it could turn out somewhere in the middle. This is what usually happens. Mostly because we don’t actually pay attention, or because we don’t actually attend.

But here’s the thing – today really could be the best day of the whole year.

Yes, I do know that today is not going to be perfect, because no day is perfect.

I also know, and you do too, that none of us can control everything that happens to us.

But…what we also both know is that we can one-hundred-percent control how we react to what happens to us.

Charles Swindoll famously said “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” and I think he’s 100% right.

And we can absolutely control how we react to what happens.

Today absolutely can be the best day of the whole year if you want it to be.

But…you’ve got to do a couple of things.

Just a couple.

First, you’ve got to show up. You’ve got to actually be there. Not half-way there. Not mostly-there-but-still-checking-Facebook-just-in-case-something-good-pops-up. Nope, you’ve got to be all there. And you’ve got to be fully there with whomever you’re there with, even if that person is only you. Really with them. Fully.

Second, you’ve got to bring your A-game – your most positive attitude, your best effort, your one-hundred-percent I am gonna do whatever this thing is that I’ve gotta do and knock it right out of the park. You’ve gotta bring your best self. The very best version of you. You know you have one, and it’s amazing.

You might not feel like it. It might be way too cold or way too rainy or way too-many-days-before-Friday. But you don’t have to feel like it in order to show up. You don’t have to feel like it in order to give your best.

“Fake it ‘till you make it” is the saying and frankly, I think sometimes it gets a bad rap.

I agree, it’s a bit quaint and maybe a little trite, but the truth is that it actually does work. Psychologists tell us that the more we repeat something – or hear something repeated – the more likely we are to believe it.

So, we can either tell ourselves that today is the best day of the whole year, or not.

Either way, today is happening.

And after all, it really could be the best day of the whole year.



“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” (~Ralph Waldo Emerson) “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” (~Charles R. Swindoll)

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