We’re more than three weeks in, but there’s still time to make this your best year ever. Three hundred and forty-three days’ worth of time, to be exact.

That’s the exact number of days left in 2018 to be spent on whatever you choose, however you choose. 343 days to practice gratitude, to change a habit, to live a healthier life. Or not.

The choice is yours.

Those 343 days left in 2018 are really just 343 chances to write your story.

That’s a lot of chances.

Today, in fact, could be the day that you decide to take the Universe up on its offer and live the life that you really want to live.

The choice is yours.

Every morning starts a new page in your story. Make it a great one today. (~Doe Zantamata)


By now most of us who’ve made resolutions have (ahem) broken them. Shocking, I know. But the thing is, I don’t believe it’s the end of the world if you break a resolution ‘round about the third week of January. Skip the gym yesterday? Not a problem. Today is another chance.

Cave in to the temptation of a sweet dessert after dinner? Good news – today is another chance to kick the sugar habit.

Sometimes, frankly, it’s not even that we’re consciously breaking a resolution. We just sort of forget.

But that’s okay too, because today is a chance to remind yourself again of what it is that you really want.

Broken resolutions don’t have to stay broken.

You can always try again.

Every dawn that breaks brings word that you get to try again, do a little better, pick yourself up and get back to the work of living the story you want to tell.

The choice is yours, of course. Always.

You’ve got 343 more chances to choose to make this year your best year ever.

So what will you choose today?


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