You really can’t do every single thing you want to do.

At least not all at the same time, time being limited and all.

And you being, well, human.

There is a limit.

This is not to say that you can’t do it all one step at a time.

Or that you can’t do everything that you want to do, in its own time.

There really is, it seems, a season to everything.

I haven’t been writing much lately. Obviously. Well, I mean “obviously” if you check the last entry I made here. On the plus side, my house is really looking awesome lately.

I’ve been doing spring cleaning, which I do every year at this time. Which is kind of crazy, because Lent is the busiest time of year for a church music director. And yet, I still do it.

Sometimes traditions just pull you.

Or maybe they ground you.

And yes, I’d love to be able to prep music for the Easter season, clean the house stem-to-stern, and still set aside time each day to write, create, compose, and all of those other things that you want to do. Unfortunately, I can’t.

Because I’m human and time is finite.

And I haven’t yet figured out a way to make that change.

I wish I could do more. I wish I could do it all.

Sometimes you just wish you could have another hour or five in the day.

But you can’t. Never will. Time is the one thing that we will just never ever be able to make more of.

So I guess it becomes kind of important how we actually spend our time.

Where we spend our time.

With whom we spend our time.

On what we spend our time.

I haven’t been doing a whole lot of writing lately. And that’s okay. There are other things I need to do. Other seasons.

A season for everything.

And here’s the thing about seasons: they change. They always change.

You might be thinking that you’re failing big time because you just can’t do it all. But the thing is, you just can’t do it all all the time.

But seasons change.

And the thing is, every season is beautiful, in its own way.

So enjoy this beautiful season you’re in.


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