It hit me like a ton of bricks. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

That I can be…me. Just me.

I can have my own ideas and thoughts and opinions, and I can speak them and live them and be who I am.

That who I am is okay, and more than okay.

That who I am is who I am meant to be.

So now? Yeah, now I just stubbornly refuse to be anything other than who I am.

Which is what we should all do.

Stubbornly refuse to be anything other than we are, different though we may be from each other. Because our differences? They’re necessary.

The world needs my voice, and your voice. Each and every voice, in its uniqueness, each created to be a unique individual – who we are – not who someone else was created to be.

It can be hard to know this.

Because, of course, default thinking is that we must do that which we see is already approved by the world. (Or at least gets a lot of likes on Twitter or Instagram). But this is not what we are called to be. We are never meant to be an imitation.

We are only ever supposed to be our own selves.

But of course that’s a bit scary. Because what if no one likes our own unique self?

Well, can I be blunt here, for just a moment?

Who cares?

Yes, I know we all want to be liked. Accepted. Made much of. But really, does it matter?

And is popularity even a barometer we want to consult?

Van Gogh sold only one painting in his lifetime. And yet, he continued to paint. He continued to be who he was and share his unique voice with the world. He stubbornly refused to stop being who he was.

He is not alone. Many artists, composers, writers, creators stubbornly refused to be anything other than who they were, and their gifts have made the world a better place for all of us.

And yeah, it’s not a word we usually associate with him, but I’m going to go ahead and say it anyway.

Jesus stubbornly refused to be anything other than who he was, too, despite the cost.

It isn’t easy to do, but a life of joy sort of demands that we do it anyway. Despite the fear.

Because the world needs the unique vision and ideas and creativity that each of us has to offer.

So dig in your heels a bit. Get a bit stubborn.

Let it hit you like that ton of bricks. Metaphorically speaking, that is.

That who you are is okay, and more than okay.

That who you are is who you’re meant to be.

And then, stubbornly refuse to be anything else.


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