End of August already? Well that was fast.

Seasons fly. Days and months and even a life. And still, eternity is present in every moment if we’re willing to be, if we’re willing to slow down, enter into this moment, embrace it and fully live it.

Life is only ever now.

Cooler nights are coming, welcome relief to be sure. Busyness will fill the days more and more as the leaves fall. A new season with new opportunities, new challenges, new discoveries. New moments. Different moments. Summer slowness will be a memory in a few weeks.

But the sun is still shining bright, despite its brief disappearance this week, and the air is still a bit muggy and still filled with the scent of summer flowers.

It’s time to claim joy, claim delight, claim the last of the season. Shouldn’t we do this always? Daily?

Claim joy.

Anne Lamott writes in her book Hallelujah Anyway: Rediscovering Mercy that “in certain African Christian catechisms it says that God created us because He thought we would like it.

I both love that and am bothered by it.

Because clearly not all of life is enjoyable. Some might say that even most of life isn’t. Life can be hard and even Jesus knew that. “In this world you will have trouble.” He says in John 16:33.

And yes, we can agree with that. We face challenges, endure hurt and frustration, suffer through grief  and pain.

And He thought we would like this?

Here’s the rest of the verse: “I have told you these things so that you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33).

Take heart. Yes, there is trouble, but peace is yours if you take heart.

Collins defines the phrase this way: “If you take heart from something, you are encouraged and made to feel optimistic by it.”

The original Greek word used was θαρσειτε. Strongs definition is: “to have courage — be of good cheer.”

Be of good cheer.

Actively, be. Do. Maybe even seek out the joy and the grace and delight in the everyday?

Be. Do. Notice, and maybe give thanks?

Maybe even create moments of joy and delight. This, I can do. We can do. Step into the moment, savor the last bit of summer, and create something delightful to delight in.

It could be simple and profound. An ice cream cone, roasting marshmallows, dipping toes in the ocean, running through the sprinkler. Small moments.

Take them. Create them. Embrace the eternity in them.

Hold the child, caress the lover, comfort the friend. Watch the fireflies. Bake a pie.

Catch the delights and the joys of these last days of summer before they are memory.

For this sliver of time, take heart. Be of good cheer.

Find something to delight in.


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