It’s all around us, but we hardly notice.


Which is to say – beauty and blessings and joy even. If we notice.

But we hardly notice.

Because time, right? Who in the world has the time to stop and notice what’s there in plain sight?

We’re all running 24/7 because that’s what you do when you have so much to do and there’s so little time.

A lot of it sort of seems like running after the wind, though.

Smartphones and apps and media social and otherwise and we’re spending less time doing simple things like making a real honest-to-goodness home-cooked meal even though we’d all be better off if we did.

Because time, right?

We have no time.

Or maybe we’re just not making the time.

Grace can be hidden in plain sight and we can just rush right by her if we don’t carve out the time to find her.

It’s a crazy small thing, this.

Taking ten minutes to breathe, to see.

Carving out ten little minutes to notice things like splash of sun, blue of sky, ordinary moments of grace.

But when I take time to notice, see, point and click so that photosite captures photon – when I slow down time enough to notice, I begin to see grace and joy and what is real.

It’s nothing astounding, really. Nothing life changing.

Or maybe completely life changing.

Maybe this is how a life really changes, or really begins.

They say that gratitude can change a life, but without noticing what we have to be grateful for, how will we find out?

Me? I snap the shutter closed to count grace. Others put their moments down in word and journal, list or song.

Does it really matter how you remember the grace you notice?

Or does it only matter that you notice, and then remember?

Ten minutes. A decade of second-hand spins. Not so much time.

And yet, quite enough.

I’m not sure it matters that you take ten minutes to notice what’s blooming on the bush or fluttering in the breeze, only that you take ten minutes to notice what speaks to your heart.

I’m not sure it matters when you carve out the time and space to notice grace,

only that you do.


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