How to make this the best Christmas ever?


1…relax. Your expectations, that is. Those demands that you put on yourself? Let some of them go. You really don’t have to make every single cookie recipe in the book. Nor do you have to decorate your house to one-up the neighbors. Or even to match the neighbors. In fact, if decorating is not your thing, that’s cool too. I don’t think the stable was decorated either. So you’re good.

2…get real. Real-istic, that is. About what you can do. About what you should do. It’s totally acceptable (actually, it’s preferable) that you not go into debt in order to buy your kids everything they ask for. After all, what will you get them next Christmas if you get it all this year?

3…don’t get too busy for your own good. I know, it’s easy to do. You’ve got a lot to do. But even so, keep a couple of nights open between now and December 25th to do absolutely nothing. No shopping. No wrapping. No list making, or list checking. No nothing. Well, maybe a Christmas movie. And some hot cocoa.

4…be honest. With yourself and with others. If you really don’t have the time to go to that event you’re invited to, or you just don’t want to, be honest with yourself and accept that this is your reality. You’re allowed to not go. But be super polite when you decline the invite. Because…love. Then move on, sans guilt. You can’t do it all. You don’t have to do it all. Honest.

5…remember. Why we’re celebrating this thing called Christmas. What it’s all about. The reason for the season. Try to keep remembering.

6…forgive. Yourself, for forgetting things like putting the candles in the windows or the tinsel on the tree or the elf on the shelf. You’re doing the best you can. You know it. I know it. Breathe, relax, and maybe it’s time to re-read #3?

7…and then…forgive. Everyone else, if they forget to live up to your expectations. Or if they don’t know you have expectations. Or if they don’t know what your expectations are.

8…as a matter of fact, just forget expectations altogether. Let them go. Go be a child again. Let life surprise you again.

9…watch. “A Christmas Carol”. Remember that we all have a bit of a Scrooge in us. Remember that none of us really, really wants to be that, but that we’re all human. And then, repeat #6. And #7.

10…be an angel. A secret angel, that is. Do something kind or helpful for someone. Someone you know, or someone you’ll never meet. Give without the possibility of being thanked. Do this as many times as possible. (This will totally help with #5. I promise.)

11…smile. A lot. As much as possible. Fake it if you have to. It’ll take hold, eventually.

12…cherish. Your people. The ones you love and the ones you kinda like and the ones you rarely see and the ones you rarely see for a reason. They’re your people. They’re the ones God gave you. Only He knows why, maybe. But maybe a bit of trusting Him would be a good thing just now.


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