It’s so easy to compare. Right?

Scroll through your feed or pull up Pinterest to see amazing things your friends and your strangers (the ones you’ve decided to follow around) are doing, and you can feel right quick that your life and your house don’t quite measure up.

That maybe you don’t quite measure up either.

Only the thing is, you do.

And I think somewhere you know it.

Deep down where soul-wisdom sits. Where every one of us really knows that real life is sort of a beautiful mess, and dust is daily, and no one really lives photo-shopped-perfection all the time.

Dust falls faster than we can wipe away anyway.

And anyway, we’re all made of dust.

But your dust?

It’s special.

Your dust is you.

Not quite the face you put on for strangers or the smile you slip into quick-as-a-wink even when you don’t even feel like smiling.

The real you. The you that you really are, deep down inside where you’re real. Real hopes. Real dreams. Real fears and failings and yeah, your real body too.

All of you. The real you.

Which is really quite amazing. Even if you don’t quite know that yet. No matter who hasn’t quite said that yet. I’m here to say it, and I hope you can hear it.

Sure, even if there’s not a soul in your inner circle who’ll tell you so, I’ll tell you so –  you are amazing.

And maybe, just a thought here? Maybe that inner circle of yours ought to include more of the encouragers and less of that other sort.

Discouragement – dis-couraging – oughtn’t to have a place at the table. Or at least not as many places.

And I think that – if you really think about it – you kinda know that’s true. Soul-wisdom.

You – beautiful you – were made to just be you.

Not an imitation of anyone else.

Not what you think the world might love.

Not even what you think your nearest-and-dearest might want.

Just. Simply. You.

Amazing you.

And hey, can I also suggest?

Be proud to just be you.


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