Yep, turns out it’s true – it’s hard to be you.

The real you.

Because who knows who’ll up and talk bad about you, if you up and show up as who you really are?

Who knows if the real you is really okay?

Who knows if the real you will really be accepted, loved, welcomed?

I can say it and you can read it – that you are amazing and the world needs you, just as you are, because there’s only one of you and God created you to be just you – but it’s one thing to read words and another to believe them, ingest them, feel them.

It’s an entirely other thing to really live them.

Mostly, it’s just scary. Scary to step out of the box you’ve tucked yourself into – you know the one? It’s the one that the world designed and told you was custom-made for you. Only it wasn’t at all.

It’s scary, stepping out of the box.

But it turns out that discovering every day grace means first uncovering your own self. Kind of like losing that life in that box you tucked yourself into based on what the world said you ought to be, so that you can actually find the real life you were always meant to live.

Lose your life so that you can find it.

Die to the self the world defined, so that you can live as the self you were created to be.

There’s nothing harder to do, frankly. Because you don’t know, you can’t know, how it will all turn out. You don’t know if the real you will be accepted or acceptable. You might not even know the real you at all, anymore, after years of living in a box.

You can’t know if the time is perfect, or if the circumstances are perfect, or if the real you is perfect. Actually, the truth is that none of those will ever be perfect, and also that they will always be perfect.

The question isn’t whether or not you are brave enough to open the box and step out of it, either. You will never be brave enough. I will never be brave enough. But none of that matters. All that matters is that you do step out. Do it scared and do it trembling and do it holding on to His hand for dear life, because this is where real life starts and this is really where grace is found.

You don’t need to know where it’s all going, and you won’t ever have all of the answers but that’s okay because answers are not what you’re looking for anyway. Grace is. And she will show herself when you show yourself.

Deep calls to deep and there’s no other way to really say it, really.

No other way to really live it, but by really living and really being and living out the deepest part of you, which can never live inside of a box.


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