I don’t know many people who complain about having too much time.

Okay, really, I don’t know any people who complain about having too much time. Most of us are fighting the battle of the clock trying to fit everything in.

We fill our time like we fill our closets.

Chock full of stuff, and most of it’s stuff we don’t even wear. Stuff we don’t even use.

Stuff we don’t even need. “The best way to find out what we really need is to get rid of what we don’t.” (~Marie Kondo)

But it does seem like we need to fill empty spaces. And frankly, it’s easier to buy more, do more, fill up more than it is to empty out.

Emptying out is hard.

We hang onto dresses and shirts and scarves that we never wear, because they’re not who we really are. They share a home with shoes we never put on because even putting them on hurts, and jeans that we never don because, yeah, we’re not twenty anymore. But we don’t let them go.

Letting go is hard.

Of shoes and other things.

So we hang onto habits that waste moments, hurts that waste love, and mistakes that waste focus. And as we fill the closet of our time with too much tv or too much tech or just too much running after the wind, pretty soon we find we’re hanging onto things that aren’t who we really are.

Hanging onto a life that isn’t the one we’re meant to live.

Isn’t it time to stop doing that?

Isn’t it time (maybe past time ?) to clean out and clear out and toss out and create some space?

Closet space.

Life space.

Soul space.

What if today, just today, we threw open our closets and tossed out the unneeded, the not-us, the old habits or old shoes that just don’t fit anymore?

Maybe toss out the old hurts and toss out the un-forgiveness and the just toss out the need to always be right and let some light in? Fresh air.

Fresh start.“Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.” (~Oprah Winfrey)

Maybe create some white space for dreams to float in and dance a bit with creativity?

So yeah, that’s a challenge.

For me, even the clearing out of an actual closet is a challenge. It takes time and work, and it’s easier to just shut the door, you know?

But I did it anyway. Threw open the door and plunged in and tossed out the toss-able. Kept the keep-able. Poured some space into the space and this could very well be a good way to start pouring some space into life.

There’s this thing you realize, when you empty out. Even though your space was filled to over-full, there was always enough space there.

Always space enough in a life, for what really matters.

Always space enough to be who we truly are.

We just need to clean out what we don’t need anymore.



“The best way to find out what we really need is to get rid of what we don’t.” (~Marie Kondo) “Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.” (~Oprah Winfrey)

{a gently edited post from the archives}

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