The bravest, strongest, most amazing thing you’ll ever do? Or I’ll ever do? Or anyone on this planet will ever do?

Rising after the fall.

It is, perhaps, the mark of distinction between those who still have a spark of hope, and those who do not.

Oh, but here’s the thing – no matter how far you’ve fallen, no matter how scarred you’ve gotten, no matter how deep you’ve gone – there’s always hope.

Sparks can be fanned into flames and these? Can ignite a whole life.

And the credit and the glory go to those who strive valiantly, who get back up and into that arena when it’s hard and dusty, who dare to believe that they can at least try to fan that spark into flame.

Today very well might be hard for you. Or yesterday might have been. Or tomorrow or last month or next week. I have no way of knowing.

But what I do know, and what you know too – down deep where you really know things – is that whatever it is that you’re going through, however far down you are, your greatest glory is waiting for you.

To rise.



“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” (~Confucius) “Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine.” ~Jack Ma

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