So yeah, it’s Monday. Around these parts that means it’s “Someday”. The day to dust off dreams and dig down deep and lean into living the life we’re meant to live.

Which is what we all just really want to do – live the life we’re meant to live.

All of us, the settled ones and the comfortable ones, the ones on the front lines of danger, the ones whose homes are washed away, and the ones who never make it home at all.

All of us just wanting to live the life we know we’re meant to live, and spending time figuring out how to do just that sounds like a fine thing to do, but how does one reconcile that with the fact that some of us won’t ever have the chance?

Hate speaks loud, and don’t we all know it living in this busted up world?

They say that love speaks louder but I don’t know. I don’t know how we can love ourselves out of hate that doesn’t seem to let up.

How in the world can we fix a world that seems broken?

Opportunity knocks, they say, when we least expect it to. When we least want it to, if we’re to be honest. Jesus said it himself – whatsoever you do for the least of these, you do unto me.

There are so many least of these.

So many who are marginalized, disregarded, thrown away. So many who are persecuted, in the path of the storm, in the line of fire.

Lives are lost senselessly. Can there ever be any sense to violence? None that I can see.

What are we doing about that?

Yeah, what am I doing about that?

Really, what can I do about that?

Only just take up my cross, and live the way of the Cross. Because love is a verb and feelings are sort of useless unless you put some skin on them and move them from the heart to the hands. Choose to love and choose to serve and choose to stand up and say no, I can’t change the world but I can love everyone that I meet today, just a bit better.

When you and I and our neighbor and sister and brother and uncle choose love first, then love stands a chance to be heard.


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