We really don’t like change.

Humans, I mean.

It’s not that we don’t want things to get better – we do. But still, even when the place we’re in isn’t the place we want to be, we settle for what we know instead of getting all uncomfortable and stepping into the unknown.

As Sydney J. Harris put it – “Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want is for things to remain the same but get better.”

Because the way things are – whether they’re awesome or just ho-hum – is what we know.

And we’re comfortable with what we know.

But you can get too comfortable.“Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want is for things to remain the same but get better.” (~Sydney J. Harris)

In fact, you can get so comfortable that you stop seeing how uncomfortable you really are.

You can get so comfortable that you confuse what you’re used to with what you used to want.

Inertia can become a habit that you slip on like a well-worn pair of slippers and before you know it years can pass and you really can get too comfortable.

Too willing to settle for settled, instead of upsetting the apple cart a bit in order to find the something more that you’re wanting.

The irony, of course, is that if we stay where we are…we stay where we are.

Things can’t “remain the same but get better” no matter how much we’d like them to.

If you don’t get a little uncomfortable, how will you change the things you really want to change?

Athletes know this. Musicians, too. And anyone who’s ever up and decided that they wanted to run a half-marathon, and got themselves up early day after day to run the miles, and got themselves uncomfortable in the bargain.

The fully lived life is a life that is continually growing and learning and evolving and developing and deepening and reaching out to become more of what we can become – more of what we were made to become.

To reach our full potential, become the best-version-of-ourselves, we have to get uncomfortable. Step out and take a risk. Try and fall and try again.

Change what we need to change, so that things change for the better.

What we really need?

Not to get too comfortable.


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