The birds are making quite the racket this morning, breaking the stillness that I’m searching for as I try to focus on the breath and find peace. But seriously, who the heck can meditate when there’s all this chattering going on up there in the treetops, not to mention the buzzing of insect and bee and the hummingbird’s wings?

Meditating on a summer morning is, I think, best done indoors.

But the sun’s making it’s climb and it’s high time for me to be done with this anyway and anyway, I don’t think I’m going to find peace or zen or anything close to it because there are all these clothes to wash and hang and the sink is full again.

Sometimes Monday shows up bright and early and you just aren’t ready for it yet.

This, I think, is a pretty good indicator that I am in need of a vacation.

And yeah, I haven’t had quite enough Sunday either. Because Sunday was filled up way too full with too many chores and you know I do believe that there’s something to that whole take-a-day-to-rest thing. Maybe Mondays aren’t showing up early at all. Maybe it’s just that Sunday got filled with stuff it had no business being filled with.

But lawns don’t mow themselves. More’s the pity.

Six days to work, one day to rest. Sounds kind of quaint, and yes, kind of impractical these days. Because there’s just so darned much to get done and doing much is kind of the way the world says we ought to be.

Only maybe the world’s wrong. Maybe twenty minutes of meditation isn’t enough to fill you with enough peace for the week. Maybe a day of rest isn’t such a bad thing after all.

Maybe we ought to try that.


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