Happy, happy, happy February!

And also…happy, happy, happy Friday!

There’s so much to be happy about, to be joyful about, if you think about it.“There are always flowers for those who want to see them.” (~Henri Matisse)

But the thing is? You do have to think about it.

Gratitude should be something that just comes natural, but the truth is that it doesn’t always. Life has hard parts and no one can say it doesn’t, and no one can rightly tell you (or me or anyone) to go ignoring the hard parts.

But the hard parts aren’t the parts we’re needing to see anyway. It’s the lovely parts, the beautiful parts, the joyful and joy-filled parts of life that we need to think about, maybe even learn to think about more intentionally. Gratitude might not come natural, but you can still practice it.

And practice it we should, because there’s joy to be had when you do.

The truth is that gratitude – acting grateful – does make you happierMight even make you healthier.

It for sure makes you more joyful.

So January’s gone and maybe your resolutions are gone too. (I hope not, but if they are just remember that you’ve got 11 more months to bring them back!) Now it’s February and the groundhog’s gonna tell us all when winter will end, and on the 14th we’re gonna tell those people we love just how much we love them.

But maybe we can just add a bit more to the month?

Maybe we can add a bit of thinking about the lovely parts of life and the beautiful parts of life and the joy-filled moments that life holds – hold them in our minds a bit, practice feeling gratitude and maybe even writing out some of these everyday graces and blessings that we notice?

There’s joy to be had when you do.



“It is not joy that makes us grateful, it is gratitude that makes us joyful.” (~David Steindl-Rast) “There are always flowers for those who want to see them.” (~Henri Matisse)

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