There’s power in a promise that’s kept. Promises that you make to others, and keep.

Promises that others make to you, and keep.

Promises that you make to yourself…and keep.

There’s power in a promise that’s kept.The worst promise you can break is the one you make to yourself.

So why on earth are we calling them goals or dreams or resolutions and not calling them promises?

Promises we’re making to ourselves to become the very best version of ourselves.

We mostly don’t call them promises.

We surely don’t treat them as such.“To be responsible, keep your promises to others. To be successful, keep your promises to yourself.” ~Marie Forleo

We might call them tasks or to-do’s or the things that I’ve got to get done today…

…but we rarely call them promises.

So, what if we did?

What if, instead of setting a goal to get to the gym more, we made a promise to ourselves that we would do that very thing, and then kept that promise?

What if instead of saying that we’re dreaming of taking an art class, we promised ourselves that we would? And then kept that promise.

What if, instead of making a list of things-to-do-today, we made a list of promises to ourselves that we’d keep today?

There’d probably be a lot less non-essential stuff written on that list, is what I’m thinking.

And there’s power in that.

The power to make a change, take a chance, take the risk, do the very things we really want to do, change a life.

The power of a promise.


spread the word:
“To be responsible, keep your promises to others. To be successful, keep your promises to yourself.” ~Marie Forleo The worst promise you can break is the one you make to yourself.

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