What is today, but tomorrow’s yesterday?

Cute saying, but what – if anything – can it teach us?

Well, if your today was created by your yesterday, then isn’t your tomorrow being created by your today?

It stands to reason, then, that if we want a different tomorrow then whatever we do (or do not do) today, will create it. Or not create it.

Today is tomorrow’s yesterday.

So? If I want a tomorrow filled with love and peace and grace?“Your life is already a miracle of chance waiting for you to shape its destiny.” (~Toni Morrison)

Then what I do today matters.

A lot.

But love and peace and grace? How to create these things that sometimes seem so far away, so intangible? It’s not like planting a garden, sowing the lettuce or the carrot or the beet seeds. Or maybe it is.

Maybe you can plant love by loving. Sow peace by living in peace.

Maybe just by living them today, you can create peace and love for tomorrow.

Live love. Love others. Love yourself. Just love. Stop overthinking this – you know how to love.

Live peace. Live the absence of anger and start forgiving others. Forgive yourself. Just live peace. Stop overthinking this – you know how to live in peace.

Oh but then there’s grace. Is it possible to sow grace? Live grace?

Grace isn’t something I do, but something that God gives.

So how do I live grace? How do I plant grace?

Maybe, possibly, by simply noticing it.


“You must give to get. You must sow the seed, before you can reap the harvest.” (~Scott Reed) “Your life is already a miracle of chance waiting for you to shape its destiny.” (~Toni Morrison)

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