There will never be a “right” time.

There will never be a “good” time.

There is only “this” time.

There is only now.

Wise women and men have always known this. That life only happens in this moment, in the now. That change only happens in this moment, in the now.

That the only time you ever have is now.

And that there’s power in this moment.

And when we step out of now, whether we step into the past with regret or into the future with worry, we destroy our own chance for joy and wholeness.

Abraham Maslow said “The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness.”

Now is the only time we really have, really. When you think about it, think deeply and more than surface-think about it, you know.

You know that now is the only reality that you will ever know. You know that now is the only space in which you can really change a life.

Now is the only moment that you get to do what needs to be done.

You only get now, but maybe that’s okay.

Because that’s where the power is.


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